Did you know? France invented the strawberry

As strawberry season gets underway, you might be surprised to hear that garden strawberries originated in France and can be used in many ways

A view of French strawberries being sold at a market
Mara des bois, ciflorette, gariguette: try these flavourful French strawberry varieties

Spring is just around the corner and some French strawberry varieties can already be found on shop shelves and market stalls.

But, did you know? Although tiny woodland strawberries have been known since Roman times, the first garden strawberries actually originated in France. 

Vive la fraise

In 1714, while on a spying mission for the Sun King, Louis XIV, in the Spanish ports of South America, naval military engineer Amédeé François Frézier (his surname may sound like the French for a strawberry plant, un fraisier, but is a corruption of Fraser, from his Scottish antecedents) heard of the large white strawberries of Chile. They were big but not fragrant or flavoursome.

He brought back several plants, giving one to Antoine de Jussieu at the Royal Gardens in Paris. It was sent to Brittany and by the 1740s, through cross-breeding with Virginian and European woodland berries, a centre of production of fabulous dark red berries grew around the town of Plougastel, near Brest.

By the beginning of the 20th Century, Plougastel produced a quarter of the strawberries grown in France.

The town even boasts a museum where you can discover all the history and buy strawberry-related souvenirs.

Flavourful varieties

Throughout the south of France, especially through the Lot-et-Garonne and down into the Languedoc-Roussillon and Provence, the best strawberry is the gariguette. It is an intense red, rather elongated berry.

Read also: Sweet and flavoursome: France’s strawberry season starts now

Buy berries early in the day, carry them home as carefully as if you were carrying eggs and keep them cool. The flavour is fantastic.

If you are used to commercially grown British berries (mostly elsanta, plumped with water), you will be surprised at the depth of flavour, the extraordinary combination of sweetness and acidity and the haunting fragrance. They may cost a few cents more but gariguettes are worth it.

You may also find a newer cousin, the ciflorette. After the gariguettes are over – they start as early as March and continue through to June – try Mara des bois. These were developed as recently as the 1990s to give more of the flavour of the woodland strawberry, they are rounder and pinker.

Read also: Which fruits, vegetables and fish are in season in France this March?

How do you eat your strawberries?

There are so many ways of using this fruit (or more properly, faux-fruit – botanically speaking, the real “fruit” on a strawberry plant are the seeds that speckle the flesh).

Strawberry sorbet in a dish with chamomile flowers
Strawberry sorbet

Some people do not care for the 'pippiness' of berries (not just strawberries but raspberries, blackberries and currants). You can still enjoy all the flavour by sieving the berries and making a fool with cream or custard or by adding sugar and lemon juice and churn-freezing to make a sorbet.

Gently warming strawberries intensifies their flavour.

Crepes served with strawberries and ice cream
Strawberry coulis

Briefly stir-fry strawberries in butter and vanilla sugar to fill crêpes.

Dress strawberries with balsamic vinegar or dust with black pepper as a surprising accompaniment to a petit-suisse. It can also be used as a dressing over crisp green lettuce, or as a relish with grilled crottins of goat’s cheese or a salmon steak.

Terrines studded with strawberries look impressive but are really simple to make.