Letters: French healthcare system means people have to stay informed

Connexion reader notes that the lack of structure in France forces people to access care themselves

Most doctors are self-employed in France - including specialists

To the Editor,

Ten years ago, when you were asking for suggestions for your guide on the health system in France, I replied saying that, unlike in the UK, no one 'manages' your health. This has advantages and disadvantages. 

Yes, you can see specialists without a referral from a GP, but no one has your full medical records.

Most specialists around the world work in a silo and are not particularly interested in other specialisms. 

In France, most specialists are self-employed, and the system is not fully joined up.

It is usually easier to see a doctor in France than in the UK but we have to manage our health by ourselves. 

My French friends know that; they are extremely well informed about medical issues and how to treat them.

Rosemary Wilson, by email

Have you found that it is easy to see a specialist in France? Let us know at letters@connexionfrance.com