Letters: French visa proposal for second-home owners sounds like hassle

Connexion reader says he will leave the country if it keeps getting harder to live here

Senior couple looking at paperwork in front of a laptop
Reader says the system has become grown increasingly expensive and complicated

To the Editor,

Reading your articles about potential automatic visas for second-home owners, I do not think I would apply for one. 

It seems likely they would still require a lot of information on income, private health insurance etc, and a visit to a centre?

We do not actually need 180 days – about 120 is sufficient for us. 

The present system just means we have lost flexibility. If, after 90 days, we suddenly needed to visit our house we could not travel!

We bought our old farmhouse and land in 1988 near the coast in Charente-Maritime. 

We spent a lot on it and, of course, taxes and running costs are now a lot higher. 

If the Assemblée Nationale does not allow some respite for second-home owners, we are planning our escape.

Derek Kinchington, by email

What do you think of France's new visa proposals? Let us know at letters@connexionfrance.com