Letters: I was a victim of number plate fraud in France - twice

A Connexion reader gives advice on how to appeal against unjustified fines

Close-up of a car number plate
You have 45 days from receipt of a fine to challenge it - hence the importance of keeping your home address up-to-date on the carte grise registration document

To the Editor,

I read your recent article about number plate fraud, of which I have also been a victim – twice. 

Both happened while I was visiting family abroad. I ended up paying the fine for the first one because I missed the deadline for responding. 

For the second one, I produced copies of my airline tickets to prove I was not in France when this incident occurred. This time my appeal was successful.

Read more: Warning for drivers in France as car number plate fraud on rise

My take-away from this experience? Don’t miss their deadline. 

It is the most important thing, even more important than proof of innocence. 

I struggled with paying the fine because it was an admission of guilt, and I was not guilty. 

Danny Lennox Bronson, by email

Have you been a victim of number plate fraud in France? Let us know how you handled it at letters@connexionfrance.com