Is there financial help to purchase a mobility scooter in France?

Some UK disability benefits remain for Britons living across the Channel

You may be eligible for certain benefits in France if you have mobility issues
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Reader Question: I moved to France 10 years ago, and live here permanently with a Withdrawal Agreement (WA) card. The UK says they will not pay out disability benefits related to my mobility, but the French authorities said it was a UK responsibility during my assessment. I need help financing a mobility scooter (L.H.)

Britons who moved to France before January 1, 2021 and have a WA residency card retain the right to certain benefits: Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payments (PIP), Attendance Allowance, Carer’s Allowance and Employment and contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance. 

Those who moved later cannot access these UK benefits unless they are close family members of Britons already established in France prior to 2021.

Having said this, none of these is specifically aimed at funding mobility solutions such as wheelchairs and scooters. 

Even prior to Brexit, the UK decided to end exportability of the ‘mobility component’ of DLA or PIP, which is for this (this is confirmed on the UK government website).

Opting for French benefits

Generally speaking, you should not claim an exact equivalent benefit from France and your country of origin, however we have identified nothing in the Withdrawal Agreement that obliges the UK to make this mobility allowance payable to Britons in France.

In theory, then, this means the responsibility falls on the French to cover you, if you meet the criteria for a suitable French benefit. The same would apply to other immigrants to France who are not eligible for help from their countries of origin. 

French help could include Prestation de compensation du handicap (PCH) or allocation personnalisée d’autonomie (APA).

APA is available to people with a reduced mobility over the age of 60, to help them remain independent. 

Read more: French benefit explainer: Apa, help to stay independent in older age

What is the PCH benefit?

PCH is for people who are unable to complete one essential activity (or have serious difficulties in two), and includes a mobility component, regardless of their age.

People of all ages can receive PCH, but you may receive more money via the APA – you cannot claim both at the same time – so check to see which one would provide you more in your circumstances. 

To claim the PCH, you have to be a full-time resident in France, but this is your situation, so you should be covered. 

Perhaps the authorities were not aware of the rules regarding WA card holders.

Read more: What are the rules for driving a mobility scooter in France?

Seeking help with mobility needs

You should contact your local disabled people’s resource centre (maison départementale des personnes handicapées, MDPH). All departments have such a centre, and they can help disabled people claim benefits they are entitled to through the state, via an assessment.

You can either visit your local centre, or contact them via telephone/email – google MDPH and the name of your department to find this information, or use the online directory.

Note that if you have severe problems with walking and an ordinary wheelchair does not meet your needs, and providing you purchase a scooter that meets certain norms, it may also be possible to obtain partial reimbursement from your local state health insurance body (Cpam).

If this is the case, you could also be eligible for an additional amount from your top-up health insurer (mutuelle), depending on the terms of the contract.

To obtain help via the Cpam, you need to obtain its prior approval. We suggest discussing this with your GP.