How to check that your car is listed in France’s new digital insurance database
Green insurance stickers on windscreens were phased out in 2024
Police still stop drivers to check if their cars are insured, even if green ‘vignettes’ are no longer required
Hadrian / Shutterstock
Major changes in April 2024 saw the end of the system of green insurance vignettes on vehicle windscreens in France.
Read more: End of green car insurance sticker in France: Eight questions answered
For the last year, police and other authorised services have instead been using an online database to check if a vehicle is registered. This system is known as the Fichier des Véhicules Assurés (FVA).
It can be accessed remotely during checks, allowing police to ensure vehicles are insured.
Database can be checked by drivers
Despite the end of the vignettes, vehicle insurance is of course required for all drivers, who otherwise risk heavy fines.
Read more: Error leaves 75,000 vehicles uninsured in France (drivers unaware)
With the FVA being in place almost a year – and all insurers knowing about the system – it is unlikely that an insured vehicle will not be on the database.
However, for peace of mind it is possible to check if your vehicle is registered.
You can use the official FVA website to do so.
Click the corresponding option for the type of number plate you have (either before 1996, 1995 - 2009, or after 2009) and enter the vehicle registration number and the number of the vehicle’s certificat d’immatriculation (commonly called a carte grise).
The website will then inform you if the car is in the database.
If it is not, you should immediately inform your insurer so they can correct the omission.
It is worth noting that it can take up to three working days for new policies to be added, so if you have recently taken out a new policy there may be a delay.
If you are stopped during this time period, you should show proof that you have recently taken out a policy to explain why the vehicle is not yet shown on the database.
This can be done with a Mémo Véhicule Assuré, a document sent by your insurer showing your vehicle has in fact been insured.
This is a small document showing your vehicle is registered and insurers recommend that you carry it in your vehicle as a failsafe.
Some insurers issue a digital version when subscribing to a new policy.
Read more: What is new ‘memo’ document all drivers in France will receive?