24 recent updates for life in France you may have missed Changes to household bills, new social media tax checks, altered travel rules and more
Who can I appoint as my power of attorney in France Antonia Ridley-Hughes of Ashtons Legal, answers a reader query
Foreign couples and French marriage regimes: key points to know A look at how marriage laws in France can impact property ownership and inheritance
practical French benefit explainer: ‘Allocation de rentrée scolaire’ We look at who is eligible for the ‘back-to-school’ grant in 2024, how to apply and how much is available
Letters: I have four addresses for the same house in France Connexion reader responds to a recent article on rural properties not having a proper address
Options and rates for prepaid SIM cards in France as Bouygues cards end You can transfer your old phone number to a new operator. We look at the options
38 communes in south France recognised as new drought disaster zones People affected can now claim on their catastrophe naturelle insurance, but the issue looks set to reoccur this year
Save hens from French slaughterhouses – and get free eggs in return Company says the chickens it rescues can help recycle household waste
Five things to know to understand the French mindset Why being polite means not being too friendly and arriving late is sometimes best
15 recent and upcoming changes for living in France See our list including medical fee increases and updates affecting gas and electricity bills
How to handle disputes with your neighbours in France Problems due to messy gardens, noisy children and unauthorised constructions can easily spiral out of control
What is date of Father’s Day 2024 in France and how is it celebrated? The holiday originates from some clever marketing by a Breton lighter company
What shops can open in France on Sundays and does it vary by region? From supermarkets and DIY stores to the local butcher and bakery, we take a look at which shops open when most are closed in France
Tips to make the most of retiring to France From choosing where to settle to staying resilient 112, 15, 17: Do you know the emergency numbers to use in France? When is Mother’s Day in France this year? Is it well celebrated? 18 recent and upcoming changes in France - May 2024
The biggest culture shocks for Americans in France From snack flavours to holiday allowance, Americans moving to France should prepare for some big differences What surprises people when they move to France? Gardening, DIY: what you can and cannot do on a bank holiday in France Advice for the newly separated in France Advice for the newly bereaved in France and English-speaking help How do people change when they move to France?
READER FEEDBACK: What you wish you had known before moving to France See recommendations from those who have taken the plunge
Innovative ideas to tackle people’s feeling of loneliness in France Social isolation is hitting young people in particular, a study shows - we look at some innovative solutions
French AI system can see inside bin bags: what is it being used for? The technology uses a camera to detect anomalies, and is already used by 45 communes
More everyday French supermarket products accused of ‘shrinkflation’ Cordon-bleu, yoghurts, and ham are in the firing line, with prices up to 25% higher for lower quality items
Emergency cash, care advice: Nine ways a French social worker can help We look at the role of social workers in France and the support they offer to those in need
Five things they don’t tell you about the President of France A humorous look at the position and pomp of the Président de la République
Can I write my own will in English in France? Whatever the language requirements a notaire is not necessarily needed but certain rules must be followed
UK income threshold plan for British-French families called ‘cruel’ People who left the UK to live in France may not be able to return with their family if British visa minimum income levels double, says campaigner
How can I lower the ‘gift’ tax on a present to a relative? There are certain ways to reduce the tax you need to pay
Is ‘de’ a sign of being from a ‘posh’ or noble French family? There is often thought to be a certain cachet to having a so-called ‘particule’
Explained: the ‘parts’ system for tax in France We explain how this and the regime allows married couples and larger families to pay a reduced amount of French income tax
What girls’ and boys’ names are trending for babies in France? Short and retro names are popular as are regional and mediaeval names
What do I do with my French livret de famille? If you recently got married in France or obtained French citizenship, you may have received a livret de famille. Here’s what you need to know
In French inheritance law, what is a pacte de famille? We look at this French inheritance option and when it is advantageous
What happens to a French bank account after a person’s death? Can a spouse automatically access the funds?
How do I recover funds from my late father’s French bank account? If a person living in the UK dies and leaves behind a bank account in France, this is more complicated to recover than the UK assets
Is it better to lend to grandchildren in France or to make gifts? There are pro’s and cons when it comes to these options, but you should be aware of the tax and declaration implications
Court ruling raises issues for family members of EU citizens in France The EU court has ruled on the right to an EU long-term resident’s card for close family members of Europeans living in another EU country
Is it true that there are no incest laws in France? We look into this topic after reports in the British press this year claiming that France is about to ban incest
Care homes in France: Is living with a host family an alternative? Family hosting, known as accueil familial, is possible and can be an option for older or disabled people, although not if people require constant care
Is French pension body allowed to seize money? My husband is in dispute with Cipav, the pension body for self-employed professionals, over unpaid contributions. A court found in its favour and we are in negotiation to work out a payment plan. My husband and myself have received letters from our bank for a saisie-attribution on our joint account. As the debt belongs to my husband, can Cipav block a joint account? J.L.
Covid-19 France: Who can receive CAF exceptional aid? The government is providing one-off financial aid to help low-income households which will be paid out automatically on May 15.
Do siblings have to help each other financially in France? Reader question: I have heard of the obligation alimentaire , which means that you must financially look after needy parents. Does this exist between siblings? F.D.
Can I travel from France to US for Christmas? The US State Department put France on an amber travel alert in August
France lockdown: Can I write two names on an attestation? No, you cannot write two or more names on a travel exemption form, even if you live together.
France lockdown: Can I see people in a support bubble? People who live alone are not allowed to form support bubbles with other households in France. Other forms of support are available.
France deconfinement: Can we have a family meal or party? A four-date process to ease Covid-related restrictions in France began on May 3, with the goal of dropping most measures, including those for socialising, by the end of June.
What are the rules for children entering France from an amber country? Do they need to be vaccinated or take a PCR test? Up to what age are they deemed covered by their parents’ vaccination status?
French inheritance and law choice change: Which wills are affected? A new French law seeking to impose French heirship rules even where people chose a foreign legal system for their estate, continues to cause concern
Why you could be liable for in-laws’ upkeep if they live in France French law states that you could be financially responsible for your parents, grandparents, stepparents or in-laws as they grow older. We look at the rules behind this and to which relatives it can apply
Interview: Death of French schoolgirl Alisha shows bullying kills Efforts to crack down on bullying in schools in France have intensified after a teenager was attacked and drowned in the Seine. MP Erwan Balanant discusses his bid to end the problem
French love board games more than any other European country Lockdown saw a big leap in sales of board games in France – and it was not just traditional favourites that took off
French family fun ideas ... whatever the weather Samantha David tours the country to find some excellent attractions to entertain youngsters
British Hosting Organisation seeks families across France Sponsored article: Becoming a host family for Daily English is an exciting and rewarding experience in many ways. Director Sally Cornan explains
France Paternity leave: new fathers to get double time A proposal to double paternity leave from 14 days to a month is to be debated this autumn.
Vacances Apprenantes: new educational summer camps in France Learn about the government's new summer schemes for families who feel their children have missed out on vital schoolwork during the Coronavirus-induced lockdown.
Making sense of Childcare options in France There are several options for childcare in France and financial help is on hand.
French Pacs still valid in UK after law change? Will our (mixed-sex) Pacs be recognised by the UK after the recent change in civil partnership law there, meaning it is now open to all couples?
Working as a couple in France All spouses or partners who carry out work for a family business must now be declared as working and pay into a social security scheme.
Married to a French person: do I need carte de sejour? I live in France and am British but my wife is French. Will I be automatically entitled to continue living in France after the Brexit trans-ition period or do I have to do something? H.F.
How can we show family link with British nephews? We have dual French and British nationality and are resident in France. As we have no children, we wish to leave our house and the rest of our possessions to our British nephews and nieces in the UK, but apparently we need to prove that they are directly related. As the livret de famille does not exist in the UK, how can we prove that they are directly related to myself or to my husband? The proof appears to be a requirement for our French wills. A.S.
Life in France for children with learning difficulties Children with learning difficulties can have a bright future in France – if you’re determined
Do I need French dossier médical partagé for children? My doctor has suggested that I should create a dossier médical partagé for my child-ren – is it necessary? J.N.
'UK forced adoption punishes parents for no reason' ‘Punishing people for crime they have not committed is wrong’, campaigner insists
New maternity leave pay for independents in France Paid maternity leave for independent workers has been lengthened so that it now covers the same number of weeks as for salaried employees.
What are French SCI's benefits? As a married couple, are there inheritance planning advantages to buying a home through an SCI property company? R.C.
All countries ‘should copy’ Poste’s home visit service Postal services across the world should follow France’s lead and offer visits to elderly residents, says a Connexion reader who lives in Australia and set up regular calls on her father.
Form for under-18s travelling abroad from France Foreign school trips have long been part of education – but parents should be aware of extra paperwork involved in letting a child travel abroad with a teacher or other adult.
Any payment for doing a stage in France? My son is applying for work experience to enhance his CV. Can he expect to be paid for a stage work placement?
Becoming French due to French children What are the rules on French nationality if your children are French? My wife and I have been in France 40 years and our children have been French for more than 25 years. Is there a simple procedure with less paperwork? N.G.
French organisers: families must discuss screen use Many issues worry parents about their children using the internet, from cyber-bullying, inappropriate images and video, to sorting out real information from “fake news”.
Father-and-son team share growing passion for wood Becoming a cabinet maker is a calling – a vocation that takes many years of training.
Does French law take precedence over British law? My sister has gone through a divorce in the UK. The judge awarded their house in France to him. I read a post which said that French law takes precedence over English law in France and the judge cannot force her to sell. My sister’s ex-husband says that the house is now his and he can do what he wants with it – but would he still need my sister’s permission to sell? He is in the process of selling. P.H.
Constant changes frustrating for parents The constant tinkering with the school week has left many parents frustrated.
What a difference a half-day makes... Primary schools nationwide will open for either a four or a four-and-a-half day week from this year’s rentrée in September and where you live will decide your child’s school week, as the final decision is made by your commune and not national authorities.
Deadly Blue Whale Challenge hits France Social network 'game' from Russia is now claiming French victims